jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

Esos deliciosos encantadores de multitudes

Si hace diez años me hubieran comentado que en los comienzos del siglo XXI varias democracias iban a comenzar un largo camino hacia la dictadura, hubiera pensado que se trataba de una broma. El proceso iniciado decenios antes, era justo el contrario. No había razón para pensar que el proceso se iba a revertir.

A todos nos ha sorprendido que en este camino hacia el progreso que las naciones de la Tierra, algunos estados comenzaran a caminar justamente en dirección opuesta al futuro.

¿Qué sistema han usado estos nuevos aprendices de brujo? Invocar la democracia contra la democracia, usar al Pueblo contra el Pueblo, mentar a la libertad para destruir la libertad.

La destrucción del Poder del Pueblo a golpe de urna es muy posible. Algunos intelectuales parecen no haber aprendido nada desde 1933.


These delightful multitudes magicians

If ten years ago should mention to me that in the beginning of the XXIst century several democracies were going to begin a long way towards the dictatorship, he would have thought that it was a question of a prank. The process initiated decades earlier, the opposite was just. There was no reason to think that the process was going away to revertir.

To all we have been surprised that in this way towards the progress that the nations of the Earth, some states began to walk exactly in direction opposite to the future.

What system have these sorcerer's new beginners used? To invoke the democracy against the democracy, to use the People against the People, to mention to the freedom to destroy the freedom.

The destruction of the Power of the People to blow of urn is very possible. Some intellectuals seem not to have learned nothing from 1933.

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